Can you imagine a place filled with rabbits? Cute, small, fluffy bunnies in every corner of a small island… Yes, such a place exists! And it exists on the west coast of Honshu, Japan.
After disembarking the ferry of Ohkunoshima, guests are greeted by packs of cute rabbits. Hence, it is aptly nicknamed ‘Bunny Island’. Guests are free to feed the rabbits carrots, lettuce, cabbage or pellets – which are happily taken by the island’s fluffy inhabitants. I liked to use them as bribes for some brilliantly cute photographs!
However, this island comes with an eerie and disturbing past. Ohkunoshima was originally a site for the development and production of chemical and biological weapons during the 1920s. This of course led to the use of chemical weapons in World War II, killing tens of thousands of Chinese soldiers.
Why this island? It was the perfect location to avoid major accidents, but close enough to the military base in Hiroshima. Japan did whatever possible to keep Ohkunoshima secret – including removing it from their maps and changing shipping routes. It is suggested that rabbits were one species used as laboratory animals during the testing of chemical weapons.
After WWII ended, the remaining poison gas was dumped in the ocean, buried or burned. The factories were then blown up, or used as housing or storage. But, what about the rabbits? Well there are two theories…
Some believe the rabbits used as ‘lab animals’ were originally released by the Japanese military upon leaving the island. Others believe the rabbits now on Ohkunoshima are actually descendants of pets released by a Japanese school class in 1972, with the original rabbits all being killed by American soldiers. One thing is for sure, that with no predators on the island, the rabbits… well… bred!
Reminders of the island’s disturbing history still remain. Including abandoned factory buildings and a Poison Gas Museum. These are rather eerie locations, but the rabbits make for a very cute contrast! Of course, tourists come for the rabbits more than the ruins of history – but can you blame them! I strongly suggest spending an afternoon or day on this island. Even if you’re not a rabbit fan, you will be after visiting this very cute island!!