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A Slight String of Misfortune

Wow, it has been some time since my last blog post. I apologise. Things have been a little slow here and there’s not many interesting things to report on. Schools seem to be finally winding down for the end of term, which is nice. It’s been good to have some free time to myself, to catch up on study and the odd little errands here and there.

It is getting much colder. Last week, some days barely got over 1C!! And I had my first snow experience here in Japan. Given, they were only light snowflakes and it was too hot for the snow to actually accumulate, but it was snow!

I've also recently had my last Zumba class for the year. And of course we dressed for the occasion!


I am also have a string of misfortune on my bike recently. Of course, you have probably read about my bike accident earlier this month. Well since then, I’ve also misplaced my key to my bike lock. It resulted in me carrying my bike to the police station to see if they could assist me in breaking the lock.

Well, this is how my conversation went (in my bad Japanese of course);

Me: ‘Excuse me, I have lost my key and I cannot open my bike lock.’

Police Officer: ‘I see. Where is your key?’

Me: ‘I don’t know. I lost it.’

Police Officer: ‘Where did you lose it?’

Me: ‘I don’t know, sorry.’

Police Officer: ‘Do you have a spare key?’

Me: ‘No…’ (** Why else would I be here?!)

Police Officer: ‘Hmmm, we don’t have anything here to cut it open. You will have to carry it to the bike store nearby.’

He then proceeded to give me directions to the closest bike store. It seemed a short walk. However, carrying an extremely heavy bike with you makes that walk seem so much longer!!! Finally arriving at the bike store (and out of breath) I explained the situation to the clerk.

Me: ‘Excuse me, I have lost my key and I cannot open my bike lock.’

Shop Clerk: ‘I see. Where is your key?’

Me: ‘I don’t know. I lost it.’

Shop Clerk: ‘Do you have a spare key?’

Me: ‘No…’ (** Why else would I be here?!)

Shop Clerk: ‘Do you have some big pliers to cut it off?’ (This of course was a mistranslation!)

Me: ‘No…’

Shop Clerk looks confused and repeats the question.

Shop Clerk: ‘Do you want us to cut off the lock?’

Me: ‘Ohhhhh, yes please!’

I truly found it quite funny that each time the person asked if I had a spare key. Why else would I be asking for help if I had a spare? In any case, my bike problem was solved! Until last weekend…

Saturday brought rain – and I mean lots of rain! I had just had my hair done and had to ride home. I was managing to stay relatively dry until my last turn. I crossed the road and went to mount the curb to ride the footpath (which is legal here in Japan!). As I went to mount the curb however, I misjudged how slippery it could be and fell straight onto my knees (and fortunately too, or else I’d probably have some broken wrists)!!

Embarrassed and sore, I got up and assessed the damage. Bike seemed ok, damage to the basket and front light, plus the seat was a little off-centre. Then I looked down. Oh my god, I had managed to rip a hole through my favourite jeans and stockings! My life was over.


For any of you religiously reading my blogs, I have already expressed how difficult it is for me to find any pants that fit me in Japan. For some reason all Japanese girls have no hips, buts or leg muscles! The ‘how’ is a mystery to me! I now officially only have one pair of jeans left!!! I think a Christmas present to myself may be in order!

Which I should add, chances are I won’t be writing another blog post until the new year! In which the first blog post will be about all my wonderful celebrations of Christmas and New Years of course. So, until that time, I hope you all have a very merry Christmas and a safe New Year!!

Much love and best wishes!!!


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